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November 15, 2013


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Serena Bell

Thanks so much for hosting me today, Donna! And I think I MIGHT remember how we met. It involved me offering to fax you some kind of food, possibly a grilled-cheese sandwich. Of course, we don't have to use the fax machine any more now that we have 3D printers. ;-)

Donna Cummings

OMG, I totally forgot how we used to fax food to each other. LOL Obviously we need to start doing that again! I'll start making my list. . . :)

S.J. Maylee

Love your books tagline and I believe you've hooked me with the blurb and excerpt. Very nice.

Coffee and chocolate. Oh yes, I love the mocha. love. :)

I have never been to the Oregon coast. Seattle yes, but never the Oregon coast. Sounds like I need to fix this.

Donna Cummings

S.J., I've probably packed enough for two, so hop on and we'll take a jaunt out to the Oregon coast. #inourminds LOL

And now I want a mocha!

S.J. Maylee

Love it! I'm so in. I think I'd like traveling with Donna. My imagination is going wild with all the possibilities for coffee breaks. :)

Serena Bell

S.J, thank you so much! I look forward to having you as a reader! I suspect Donna would make an EXCELLENT travel-friend. Plus, she will bring the coffee & chocolate... :-)

And Donna, YES, let's fire up the faxes and get the food exchange going again.

Donna Cummings

LOL -- yes, I'd definitely make plenty of time for coffee breaks. And food breaks. And chocolate breaks. . . :) And bookstore breaks.

I'm ready for a food fax right now, Serena! Why don't you fax me over a menu so I can make my dinner selection. LOL

Serena Bell


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