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November 06, 2013


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Lorraine Paton

You gotta love it when it all comes together!!! :) And, now, I'm off to check out that recipe...

Donna Cummings

It IS great when it all comes together -- even if I wasn't the one in charge of that happening!

Hope you like the recipe. :)

Samantha Hunter

That's awesome, to end up with dessert AND an idea! Fun blog :-)


Donna Cummings

Thanks, Sam! I like having an idea and dessert all at the same time. Multi-inspirational. :)

Kate Warren

I've wondered about the apple being assigned tree of knowledge status. I've never felt any smarter after eating an apple.

Appreciate the recipe link too. I've got a character who bakes and I'm wondering if I should come up with an original recipe for her. But before I do that I need to find out what kind of baking she does. So I need to make (and eat) different desserts. The things we suffer for our art. ;o)

Donna Cummings

LOL, Kate -- that is the kind of suffering for art that I could embrace. :) Feel free to share the results of any of the baking you do -- for research purposes of course!

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