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January 19, 2014


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Samantha Hunter

OH MY! I suddenly feel more interest in historicals... ;)



I second the "oh, my!" :) Love it!

Donna Cummings

Thanks, Sam! I love it too, and it's kinda different from other historical covers -- which is another reason I love it. LOL

Melissa, thanks! I love the "oh my"'s this is causing. LOL I thought he was rather eye-catching and had to have him for the cover. :)


The lips. You did that on purpose, right? Just so I'll stare and drool and my bib will be all wet and gross.

*licks monitor*

Donna Cummings

LOL, Eleanor -- those are some mighty fine lips, I agree. :) And thanks for licking the monitor -- I needed to clean it off. Oh wait. Never mind. LOL


Flighty Felicia sounds delicious!
However,that fella on the cover is a distraction ... he really should dress better than that! LOL

Donna Cummings

LOL, Quantum -- I guess he is a bit of a distraction. And his clothes are there somewhere, in the background. Oh, here they are--I've got them. :)

I've had so much fun with Felicia. She really is one of my fave heroines. Hope you'll enjoy her too!

Mae Clair

Oh, wow! It looks like I've missed a few posts on your blog. I LOVE the cover (you know I am about guys with long hair, LOL). Between the blurb and the cover, I'm impatient for February 43rd to roll around :D

And I'm so glad you have a newsletter. I'm off to sign up now and add Lord Wastrel to my Goodreads list. It should be fun to see what chaos Aphrodite causes this time. :)

Let me know when you're ready for some promo on my blog!

Donna Cummings

Mae, I love the long hair too -- it's just so sexy! I'm anxious for February 43rd to get here too. LOL Although I'm worried it'll get here too fast. So I might have to stretch it out to February 56th. :)

Thanks for adding LW to Goodreads and signing up for the newsletter! I love visiting your blog -- so I'll definitely be in touch. In fact, I haven't read any Mythical Mondays for a while. I'm gonna dash over there now and get caught up. :)

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