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January 24, 2014


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Mariam Kobras

thank you for having me. Donna! This was great fun!

Donna Cummings

Thanks for being here, Mariam! *clinks coffee cups* Now I've got to re-arrange my suitcases. . .we've got a lot of writing retreat stuff to pack for. :)

Mae Clair

Hi, Miriam, nice to meet you :) I loved your answer to the heels/flats question. Right now, I'm still stumbling around in heels but some days I tell myself "you're x-number of years old. Isn't it time to be comfortable?" LOL!

The Stone Series sounds very interesting. I love the premise and am off to investigate at Amazon!

Mariam Kobras

Hi Mae, thank you very much! I think I kicked out the heels when I was in my mid-thirties. My feet thanked me for it!
Let me know how you like my books, would you?
Cheers, Mariam

Donna Cummings

Mae, thanks for stopping by. :) I haven't worn heels for a while, and I was looking at a pair in my closet the other day -- thankfully I snapped out of my trance before I decided to wear them to work. LOL

Mariam, you're right about your feet thanking you. We should probably thank THEM, for putting up with all our craziness!

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