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April 02, 2014


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S.J. Maylee

I'm so glad you asked about how to pronounce her last name, Donna. Pleased to know I haven't been butchering it, lol. Italian cooking. Yes! Family on my mom's side is from Italy, around the ankle bone. I grew up with large meals like the one you mention above. Yum, yum, yum!
A.S. already knows I will be reading this. :) Congrats on the release. :)

Donna Cummings

I wasn't butchering it either. Whew! But I was worried I might be. LOL Ankle bone? I like that. :) I'm so hungry right now it's not even funny. And Joshua seems pretty yummy too!

A.S. Fenichel

LOL. It's not a hard name, just an unusual one. Thanks, S.J. I hope you like Joshua's Mistake. Donna, he is totally yummy and so is the food. ;)

Donna Cummings

It's a lovely name -- which is why I wanted to make sure I was doing it justice. :) It sounds as lovely as tiramisu. And "three kinds of cheese". LOL

A.S. Fenichel

LOL! Thank you!

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