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February 19, 2015


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Mae Clair

SO well said, Donna! I can get involved in a plot to a degree, but if the characters don't grab me and wrap my heart around their little finger....eh. Odds are I won't finish the book.

I write character-driven fiction, and as a reader, it's what I want to immerse myself in every time I open my Kindle. Characters are wonderful friends. I laugh, weep, cheer and celebrate with them. When I think of my favorite books, it's not the plot I remember, but the characters who made them happen.

And hey--congrats on the one year anniversary of AN ENCOURAGING WORD. Woot!!!!

Donna Cummings

Thanks, Mae -- I can't believe how fast a year goes sometimes!

And you're so right. The characters are what I remember long after the book is over. Sometimes I have to "revisit" them, re-reading their book so I can see how they're doing. LOL

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