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December 10, 2015


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Mae Clair

Wow! Another book release and I missed it. You are on a roll! I remember Troy from Back on Track and look forward to discovering what kind of fun romance you've conjured up for him...and Bettina!

Donna Cummings

I was pretty low-key about the release. It feels like it takes me so long to finish a book, so when I finished this one, I just kind of sent it out there without a lot of fanfare. LOL

I hope you have fun with Troy. I got such a kick out of him, which is why he got to move up in the writing rotation -- his book wasn't supposed to be until later!

Mae Clair

I'm sure I'll enjoy his story! And I know what you mean about being low-key. I've hardly done anything with Food for Poe in the way of promotion. Must be the time of year, LOL!

Donna Cummings

It's not just this time of year -- I swear a whole year completely disappeared. LOL I hope 2016 decides to be a little more leisurely. Well, except for winter. It can skedaddle out of here as fast as possible!

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