Poor Delia. Her boyfriend broke up with her at her anniversary dinner. Whenever she tries to date anyone, they end up with an injury. Her BFF Brooke has convinced her to go on three dates, and since Date #1 wasn't so great. . .
"Well, just so you haven't forgotten about tomorrow night."
"Tomorrow night. Tomorrow night." I handed my debit card to the cashier. "What's tomorrow night again?"
"I swear you do this on purpose," Brooke huffed. "Your date? Date number two?"
I nearly groaned. "Right. I remember now." I scribbled my signature and handed the slip of paper back to the cashier. "Sorry," I mouthed to her, pointing to the phone so she knew exactly what I was apologizing for. It didn't really matter, though, because she was already on her phone, her thumbs flying like she was in a fierce competition for teenage texters.
I grabbed my bag of groceries and headed outdoors. "You're sure this guy has health insurance, right?"
"Would you stop? Everything's going to be fine." Brooke coughed. "Besides, he works with Sven, and the coverage there is excellent."
I snorted. "Is he somebody Sven wants to fire? And this'll make it so he doesn't have to?"
"Don't be silly. I don't think you can fire someone when they're on disability."
"Dear God," I said. "This is so hopeless."
"You're going to have fun."
She had her determined voice in place, and it was beyond impossible to fight back against it. I nearly shivered, even though it was close to eighty degrees outside.
"Okay," I squeaked out. "I promise I'll do my best. Hey, let me call you back. I've got my arms full—"
"Ooooh. That sounds promising!"
"With groceries!"
I heard her giggle as I snapped the phone shut and tucked it inside my purse. One more date after this, and I was done.
I could hardly wait.
You can vote for Bad Ex Karma in the preliminary round of The Romance Reviews Readers' Choice Awards. It's in the Romantic Comedy category (along with Heartbreaker's Bet, but that's an excerpt for another day!)