Here is another snippet of Julian doing his best to woo Rosalinde during his recovery from a knee injury, while she does her utmost to resist his efforts, especially after the kiss they shared the previous day.
"What sort of woman would suit you?"
"One who knows how to re-arrange a man's pillows," he said with a grin.
She narrowed her eyes. "It is a wonder you have not been smothered with one before now."
His laughter was infectious. "Ah, Rosalinde. I adore—This is the best convalescence I have ever experienced. What do you have to offer in the way of entertainment today?"
"I cannot think of anything else. You have grown tired of my reading to you, and I have regaled you with all the excitement the village has experienced. I have even confessed secrets no one but you has ever heard."
"I have a suggestion. I am sure you will enjoy it as well."
"What might it be?"
"A simple game of chance. Now do not glare at me with such suspicion."
"Gambling? It is highly improper. I believe Dr. Bentley had more sedate activities in mind."
Julian sat upright, rubbing his palms together. "Do not think of it as gambling. Consider it a lesson in calculating odds."
"Perhaps a different game," she proposed, frowning like a proper nursemaid might when presented with a difficult patient.
"Spillikins? I am not a lad of six, you know," he answered cheerfully.
Rosalinde flushed, giving him a warning glance. What a rogue he was! As if she were not uncomfortably aware he was not a mere lad.
Julian lay back against his pillows, doing his best to look infirm, but the impish grin flitting about his lips did nothing to add to his sickliness.
"Is there anything more circumspect than playing an innocent game of cards with someone confined to a sickbed?"
Rosalinde opened her mouth to protest once more, only to find the expected objection had fled in the face of Julian's entrancing smile. She wavered for another heartbeat and then finally capitulated.
So this is how the serpent had beguiled Eve.
Available April 15! You can also pre-order here:
I don't know how she resisted as long as she did! :-)
Posted by: JoyceScarbrough | March 17, 2016 at 11:58 AM
LOL -- her resistance is definitely wearing down. :)
Posted by: Donna Cummings | March 17, 2016 at 04:19 PM