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March 06, 2016


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Mae Clair

OMW, How did I miss this post! Julian's story is going to be released "soonish." I have been waiting and waiting on this one. I'm a newsletter subscriber, so as soon as the pre-order is available, I'll be snatching it up. I love the premise of the plot, too. SO EXCITED about this book, Donna!!!!!! *Snoopy dance*

Donna Cummings

Hi Mae! You didn't miss the post -- it was waiting for you all along. :) This was a fun book to write, and it was good to see Felicia and Great-Aunt Uproar again too. LOL I hope you'll enjoy Julian's path to true love. It'll be here soon-ish!

Demetra iliopoulos

Ohhh perfect can't wait

Donna Cummings

Thanks, Demetra! Hope you enjoy it. :)

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