Who knew procrastination was such an effective writing tool? Here's a snippet from my post at Romance Writer's Revenge:
Every once in a while I feel like I’ve run out of blog post ideas. I can think of plenty of topics, but I seem to shoot them down the instant they appear, before they have a chance to make it safely to that part of my brain where they can incubate, and possibly hatch into something interesting.
It’s put a lot of unnecessary pressure on me, until I finally realized what was wrong: I was thinking too far ahead.
I was trying to PLOT, rather than PANTS.
If there’s one thing I know about myself, it’s that I can’t plan things more than a few days ahead of time, and even when I do, it’s gonna be in pencil—while I’m brandishing an eraser in my other hand.
That’s when I realized I needed to call upon a higher power: The Power of Procrastination.
You can read the entire post at "Behold, the Power of Procrastination". But don't wait too long!