Ah, Six Sentence Sunday. I'm so sad to see you go. As my farewell gift, here's one of my favorite snippets, from Shelby, my commitment-phobe heroine. She's professed her love to Ryan, but this is how she reacts to the next step:
“Shelby, will you marry me?”
My heart thudded, in slow motion, while a combination of fear, and excitement, and dread swirled inside of me.
I could feel my forehead break out in a sweat, and then the room began to oscillate. I squeezed Ryan’s hands, to keep from slipping off my chair.
“Put your head between your knees,” Ryan said calmly, helping me with the task since I was about as useless as a girl could get right then.
“I wish your face was here instead of mine,” I said in a muffled voice.
Thanks to everyone for stopping by. I'm planning to continue some form of Sunday excerpts, and I'm hopeful that others are too.
Also, tomorrow I'll have a character interview with Ryan, at the Mrs. Condit Reads Books blog. It was really fun to do, and it's your chance to hear Ryan's thoughts about everything!